User guide

RetailVista Backoffice

Our 'Cloud' based RetailVista backoffice is accessed via a web browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
You can open the backoffice and log in from anywhere in the world via browser using any internet connected tablet, laptop or PC provided you have your username and password.
You can log in as many times as you like on different devices, perhaps you have a tablet and a laptop at home - Feel free to log in on both as it does not cost any extra to do so. You can also be logged on and viewing different screens multiple times from the one computer.
It is very flexible and having this available to you anywhere can be a real benefit - Access your backoffice via tablet or laptop at trade shows or on holiday.
Your cloud data is actually hosted at data centres in Amsterdam on the worlds fastest internet lines. We also have back up locations so if some catastrophy struck the first data centre, your access would revert, without you really noticing any changes to the back up location.